zondag 29 mei 2016


On this link you find the instructable to make the wheelchair wheel dryer by yourself

Here is also a promotion video of this project

And to conclude a picture of the co-design team

prototype 17

this is based on prototype 16

To be sure that the front wheels are dry and for more stability we added a carpat on the ramp.
This gives more friction so the wheelchair doen't slips away.

Prototype 16

This is an ajustment of prototype 15
In stead of painting we now put a varnish over it

This colors the sysem and also protect against wear.

maandag 23 mei 2016

prototype 15

This is an ajustment of prototype 14

We decided to paint the model in brown.

 Expected positif:  
Looks good

Unexpected positif:

Expected negatif:   

Unexpected negatif: 
the paint comes loose after a few tests. 

So the solution is to make it again and varnisch it instead of painting. 

vrijdag 20 mei 2016

perstekst en groepsfoto

Rolstoelwiel droger
Onze cliënt Marc is 64 jaar en zit sinds zijn  jeugd in een rolstoel. Deze aangename man woont zelfstandig thuis samen met zijn vrouw in een rustige wijk in Kortrijk. Zijn hele huis is subtiel aangepast naar een rolstoelgebruiker maar op zo’n manier dat het niet opvalt wanneer je er voor de eerste keer binnen stapt.
Marc neemt graag eens een douche maar door zijn rolstoel is hij beperkt tot een aangepaste inloopdouche met een stoeltje erin. Hij rijdt dus met zijn rolstoel tot aan het stoeltje, doet de transfert ernaar, vervolgens neemt zijn vrouw de rolstoel weg en hij wast zich. Als hij klaar is gebeurt dit allemaal in omgekeerde richting. 1 Probleem, nu ligt de vloer nat en worden dus ook zijn banden nat. Wanneer hij nu door zijn huis rijdt,  laat hij sporen na die zijn vrouw dan mag opkuisen.
Wij losten dit probleem op door een soort van platform met rollen te maken waarover hij kan rijden. De rollen draaien maar in 1 richting waardoor je er gewoon kan over rijden maar eenmaal je erop zit en je de wielen in de andere richting draait, rijd je eigenlijk ter plaatse en droog je de wielen door de textiel die op de rollen is aangebracht.  Het voordeel hiervan is dat je eigenlijk een grote rijafstand creëert zodat de banden drogen maar toch ter plaatse blijft staan zodat het niet veel plaats inneemt.

Dit principe zou ook kunnen gebruikt worden als deurmat omdat je op regendagen daar met het zelfde probleem zit.

dinsdag 17 mei 2016

User test

We went back to Marc to test with the bigger uphill part to test if it was also better for him.

The results of this model were good. It's not too steep anymore. 
Marc has the wish that it would have a nice color and not just the wood multiplex.

Prototype 14

Goal to test if the uphill side is still to steep

based on prototype 13
We also made it out of 3 parts to storage it better. It was also more practical to do adjustments

 Expected positif:  
The angle is good now

Unexpected positif:

Expected negatif:   

Unexpected negatif:  when riding over it the system clicks a little bit because it has no basic under the edges. We adjusted this by the next prototypes

maandag 16 mei 2016

user test

We went to marc with this prototype to test it with him

His first impressions were good and he liked it.
But the uphill was to steep.
we had to make uphill side longer but have to take care that the total solution doesn't become to big.

prototype 13

Goal to test if the textile works

based on prototype 12

 Expected positif:  
The water tracks are gone after the installation.

Unexpected positif:

Expected negatif:   
didn't test it with wet front wheels

Unexpected negatif: 

prototype 12

Goal: to test if it works better with 5 wheels so that the front wheels doesn't get stuck inbetween the rolls

based on prototype 11

 Expected positif:  
tubes rolls in one direction
Tubes are strong enough
width is good
Front wheels doen't get stuck between the rolls

Unexpected positif:

the weight of the rolls helps to not move the system on the floor
not to much friction

Expected negatif:   
To high

Unexpected negatif: 

dinsdag 10 mei 2016

prototype 11

Goal: to test if it is better with steel rolls in sted of pvc rolls.

based on prototype 10:

Expected positif:  
tubes rolls in one direction
Tubes are strong enough
width is good

Unexpected positif:

the weight of the rolls helps to not move the system on the floor
not to much friction

Expected negatif:   
front wheels gets stuck inside

Unexpected negatif: 
to high

donderdag 5 mei 2016


Before visiting to Marc we made a prototype with the real materials (part of them) with two possible solutions.

The prototype is composed of 3 or 5 metal tubes (it depends that he prefers), covered with a   fabric that absorbs the water and  ratchets bike to turn in a unique direction and also the structure has two ramps. The tubes form the diameter of the wheelchair wheels. 

The tube cover has six buttons to close it, and also is attached to the tube with velcro


Prototype with three tubes:

To reinforce the structure we made two triangles with the same angle as the ramp to be strong enough to support the weight of a person. 

The ratchets are attached to the tubes with epoxy and silicon and also are joined to the wall with bolts.  

With this movie we can se the prototype mistakes

1- The ramp is too much high, so is a bit difficult go to the structure. 
2- The distance between the ramp and the first tube is too much big, so the small wheels
get into the gap. 
3- The silicon and epoxy is not strong enough to join the ratchets .


Prototype with five tubes:

It has the same structure as the prototype with three tubes. 

Some mistakes are the space between the tube and the ramp is very little therefore the ratchets touch the ramp. 


For the ramp, we made a little hole not to touch the ramp 


For the tubes we replaced the silicon for wood cylinders which are attached directly to the tube with bolts. 
These are introduced inside the ratchet with a hammer, so they are strong enough to support the movements.